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Non-certified / Student (DSD) Diver
$ 295
Join Fathom Five’s Referral Class, E-Learner Enriched Air Nitrox
Enriched Air Nitrox is a great way to get the most out of your dive experience in Kauai. With longer bottom times, you have the opportunity to explore deeper and see even more of the diverse marine life. You might see schools of colorful fish, large pelagic animals like sharks and rays, and even octopus and eels hiding in the reef. Not only does Enriched Air Nitrox provide benefits for your dive, it also has health benefits such as reducing fatigue and decreasing your risk of decompression sickness. So why not join Fathom Five’s Enriched Air Nitrox E-lEarner Referral class and enhance your diving experience in Kauai?